Berlin, 2009

Berlin, 2009
We want more voices, thoughts and languages!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Ok, I've been gone. Mexico was amazing. I'm seriously considering moving there for a year. I have loads of pics. I'll try to pick the best ones so as not to be that person whom opens their wallet only to unfold seventy pictures of their dogs and kids. Yea, the pics are all amazing to me but that's cuz I was there. Obviously. Maya, your letter is in the front of my bag and I fully plan on writing back, snail mail style. It's a lost art, and one I truly enjoy. Hope all is well. Sorry didn't make it to your last party Oli, I know, lame. And I hate to admit that all I did was sit on my ass doing nothing. Shame on me. Hope Germany is awesome will post more later.

1 comment:

  1. Tell me one thing I don't know (and/or) would not expect of Mexico? Hugs!
